Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Libraries: An excellent investment!
Economical ... efficient ... essential

*    "The gem of the community" - public libraries in Indiana
      welcomed more than 42 million visitors last year.

*     Indiana's libraries rank #2 in the nation on library visits per capita
      (7.2%) and #3 in the nation on circulation per capita (13.7%)

*     Public libraries provide almost 9,000 jobs in Indiana with more than 2,000
      additional jobs in the businesses that support libraries.

*     Salaries & expenditures generate $328 million in economic activity in the state.

*     The market value of the range of services Indiana public libraries provide is
       more than $568 million.

*     The national average cost to use the library is about $31 per person per year.

*     Thousands of Hoosiers rely on libraries for access to 3-government
       services. They depended on libraries to file claims for unemployment,
       to submit tax returns, etc. More than 30% of the states population
       do not own a home computer and use library computers to search for jobs and
       receive homework and research assistance.

*     Libraries save visitors thousands of dollars by offering books, magazines, DVDs and
       other resources for check-out. Top-quality programs are offered for every age;
       youngsters benefit from a variety of early reading programs, too!

*     The American Library Association  & the Indiana Library Federation encourage people to
       speak up about the importance of their libraries by writing to representatives and
       communicating with decision-makers.                SUPPORT YOUR PUBLIC LIBRARY!
       Data from the Institute of Library & Museum Services and the Indiana Business Research Council, Indiana University