Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Library move update

     While going through a multitude of drawers, filing cabinets, shelves and more, (it's amazing how much stuff that can be collected over a 100 year span), the following pictures were discovered.

     I can tell you, it was an exciting find. Different ones looked very closely at the pictures and discovered some of the original furniture, we not only still have, but use.

     Picture 1: If you look closely at the rocking chair located between the pillars, you may recognize it as the one that's been on the children's floor. Also, check out the desk, it's the same one we've been using until this remodel. It has been carefully disassembled and moved to a safe spot to be used later. Did you realize that built into each end of the checkout desk were card catalogs? Also, note the shelving unit to the right of the pillar. We use them to put our new 14-day books on. The three legged stool the librarian is sitting on has been up in the office for a long time.

Picture 2: Another view of the rocking chair. See that huge table they're sitting around? We still have both of them. In fact, they're going to get refinished while we're being renovated. Take a close look at the fireplace. Yes, they're actually burning wood in it. Now that, I'd love to have, but alas, sorry no can do.

In the last picture, to the right a bit, there is a small desk. We believe it's the same one that Laura's been using in the Reference Room / Computer Lab area. Of course, the pillars are still here. They will remain after the renovation, as will the fireplaces. And of course, we'll put the furniture back in, at different locations, but they'll still continue to grace the original Carnegie library.

We think it's wonderful to find that many of the things that make this library special is still in use today.

     Nostalgia aside, we've been hard at work getting things packed and ready to move.
     A couple of weeks ago, some Foreign exchange students came and worked for about one and a half hours. They were able to get 148 boxes moved before we closed.

Lynda Mills, girl in the back,
Matthew Johnson, boy in green hoodie
Natalie Zhu, girl in front
Alan Lin, boy in gold coat
Simon Oberdorfer, boy in blue coat & green hat.
Julie Johnson, not seen, (photographer and adult who brought them, she helped too.)
Along with Director Maryann Farnham, Mike Rasor and Terri.

Some of the Peru Athletic team and Jag members came on Friday, Dec 5th. They were here from around 8:30 to around 2:00. They moved around 500 boxes, some chairs, tables and a few other things. Their coach and bus driver helped some as well. When we get pics, we'll share them.

Our final day at 102 E. Main St. will be this Saturday, Dec. 13th. We'll be closed after that. The Golden Guard will be coming when they get out of school on Monday, Dec. 15th to help pack up the boxes that are still on the shelves.

The movers will be here on Thursday, Dec. 18th to finish moving the rest of the boxes, desks, etc.
Our Grand Opening at the temporary facility will be Monday, Jan. 5th.

It will be different to say the least.

I must say it's been a very different time here at the library, but for the most part it has gone smoothly. It has been interesting and we're glad to have been a part of it. 

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Moving update

 We've really been busy here at the library. We've deleted so many books from our collection, and packed away even more into storage. Friends of the Library have held numerous book sales and we really appreciate their efforts.
To let you know quickly what is happening in the near future, where we're going, for how long, etc., I'll try to get it on here.

Monday, Nov. 24th, we'll be closed. The movers are coming to take down the shelving that will be going with us and setting them up at the new location. They'll also be taking some furniture and other things as well.

Tuesday, Nov. 25th is our final Story Time at this location.

Wednesday, Nov. 27th., we'll be closed for Thanksgiving.

Saturday, Dec. 13th will be our final day here. On Monday, the 15th, we'll begin the final phase of packing, moving, and setting up at 12 Broadway Plaza.

We have a lot of books and things that need to be moved. If your youth group or organization would like to help, contact Maryann, Terri, or Mike at the library, or call 765-473-3069. If you don't belong to a group but want to help, we can let you know when a group is coming and you can help with them.

Our projected opening day will be Friday, Jan. 2nd. Our Grand Opening will be on Monday, Jan. 5th.

Depending on how long the renovation will take, we should be at the plaza for 8 to 12 months, then we'll move back to 102 E. Main St.

We have a very busy time a head of us. We thank you for the patience you've shown thus far. We look forward to seeing you at the plaza and even more so when we can move back 'home'.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Renovation progess report

     As you probably already know, our library was selected to receive a $400,000 OCRA Grant. That money along with other monies that we have and other grants will enable us to do a 1.2 million dollar renovation.We are currently looking for a place to move into while the renovations are being done. We obviously can't take everything with us, so we are weeding our collections. A lot of books are being put into the book sales that we are having. A large portion will be put into storage.I'm sure you've noticed a lot of empty shelves.
    We realize that this creates an inconvenience to some of our patrons. All of the Indiana Collection and Circus books and most of the genealogy department is boxed up to go into storage. However, we still have the Miami County genealogy and surrounding counties.
     As far as the fiction and non-fiction goes, if we don't have it on our shelves, we can borrow from another library. Although we've greatly reduced the amount of books that we're purchasing, we are still buying books for our patrons. If you want a book and we don't have it available, just ask one of the staff about it.
     As I said, we realize this is frustrating to many of our patrons. Many of our staff is hard at work trying to get as much done as is possible. When the renovations are complete, we're sure you'll love it.
     Unfortunately, we can only afford to do only one floor at a time. The current main floor will be opened up, with walls torn down, including the back wall. The computer lab's floor will be raised to match the main floor. The main floor will become the children's floor.
    We'll have a wonderful elevator!!! The current children's floor will become the adult floor. It will be more comfortable and quieter.
    Thanks for your patience.

Huge book sales!

The Friends of the Library will be having several books sales until the library is packed and ready to move. 

September 5th from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. will be for MEMBER'S ONLY. 
Saturday, September 6th, 10:00 to 3:00,  will be for everyone. We'll have another one on Saturday, September 20th from 10:00 to 3:00.

Bring a bag, we have reduced prices!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Assistant Library Director Opening

GENERAL STATEMENT OF DUTIES:  The Peru Public Library is seeking an Assistant Library Director. The Peru Public Library is a Class B Public Library servicing a population of 33,000.  The Assistant Library Director works closely with the director assisting in the operation and management of library services and administration. 

BENEFITS:  This position offers health insurance and a retirement package.

QUALIFICATIONS:  Master of Library Science Degree and an Indiana Librarian Certificate 3 (LC3) or higher.

SALARY: Commensurate with qualifications and experience and is based on a 40 hour work week (Minimum $34,000).


  • Works closely with director
  • Serves as a library ambassador within the community
  • Performs and supervises library functions
  • Provides technical support to public and staff
  • Assists patrons in selection and location of services and books
  • Assists in preparation of budget
  • Plans and supervises in service training courses for staff
  • Trains staff
  • Prepares work schedule
  • Assists in coordinating work of all departments
  • Fills in at service desks as required
  • Participates in the screening of applicants for vacancies
  • Represents library at professional meetings
  • Assists in coordinating library programs with community needs
  • Keeps abreast of developments in the field of library science
  • Assists in the purchasing of books and supplies
  • Assists in compiling statistics
  • Assists in updating policy and helping to develop strategic planning
  • Experience with computer systems
  • Performs related work as desired
  • Must enjoy working with the public


CONTACT:  Candidates should send a cover letter, resume, and three references to Maryann Farnham, Director, Peru Public Library, 102 East Main Street, Peru, IN 46970 or email to perupubliclibrary@yahoo.com


DEADLINE:  Position open until filled

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

 The Indiana State library has collaborated with libraries, museums, archives and other institutions from across the state.
Providing you with free access to digital collections reflecting on Indiana History.

For a taste of what you'll find, go to 
www.indianamemory.org & blog.newspapers.library.in.gov

The Peru Public Library, and The Miami County Museum will be hosting, "Indiana Memory: Your Gateway to the History and Culture of Indiana."

August 9th at 10:00 a.m.
in the Peru Public Library's auditorium


Friday, May 23, 2014

We will be closed Monday, May 26th for Memorial Day
 Have a safe holiday.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Member's Only book Sale.

Wednesday, May 21st, from 4:00 to 8:00 PM
This is the first book sale we've had in 3 years.
Not a member yet? You can either print out the form below, or pick one up at the Main Desk, 
or fill one out at the sale.

Friday, May 9, 2014

2014 Summer READing Program

2014 Summer READing Program begins Monday, June 2nd and ends Saturday, August 2nd.

Students going into Kindergarten thru the 12th grade, living in Miami County are eligible.
Public school, private school, home school, all are welcome.
You must have a current library card, all fines paid.
Sign up begins on June 2nd. 
Grades Kindergarten thru 6th grade will participate in the program on the Children's Floor.
Grades 9th thru 12th, will participate on the Main Floor.
Students in the 7th & 8th grades will be allowed to choose which program they want to be in, but not both.

All programs will be at 11:00 & 1:00 (Except July 7th, Ronald McDonald)
Our programs for the summer will be:
June 11: Marcus Lehman - magic
June 18: Snakehead Ed
June 19: Crafts for Kidz: birth thru Pre-K -time for parent and child to work on craft together
June 19: Science fun - Must register for this program - limited to 20 students
June 25: Professor Steve - Science
July   2: Steven's Puppets - Wizard of Oz
July   3: Science fun - Must register for this program - limited to 20 students 
July   7: Ronald McDonald - 11:00 ONLY 
July   9: Coyote Chris
July 17: Crafts for Kidz: birth thru Pre-K - time for parent and child to work on craft together
July 17: Science fun - Must register for this program - limited to 20 students 
July 23: Pete the Cat - (Pete Saidochy & Ron Luginbill)
July 30: Bats - Incredible Bats
July 31: Movie & lunch  - must register: time and particulars will be announced later

Our hours will be 
Monday - Thursday    9:00 to 8:00
Friday  -  Saturday      9:00 to 5:30
No Summer Hours!

The great outdoors - Things to do!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Lettuce in January"
Saturday, April 5th, 10:00 - 11:00 AM
This event is free!

For Intermediate & Advanced Gardeners
Presented by Master Gardeners, Purdue trained.

Are you interested in:
$aving money at the grocery $tore?
Feeding your family healthy, delicious food?
Enjoying a satisfying family hobby?

                                          1.Extending your season on both ends of the calendar.
                                          2. Cold weather germinators
                                          3. What can stand a freeze, what can't.
                                         4. Planting in the Fall for Spring harvest.
                                        5. Plant tomatoes in April - withstanding a freeze.
                                        6. Creating soil that resists droughts
                                        7. Two pound potatoes.
                                        8. Growing up, not out - using the vertical space.
"How to grow your own food"

Saturday, March 29th 10:00 to 11:00 AM
This program is free!
For the beginner gardeners

Presented by Master Gardeners, Purdue trained

            Are you interested in:
            $aving money at the grocery $tore?
            Feeding your family healthy, delicious food?
            Enjoying a satisfying family hobby?

           1. How to get the most from the least space.
           2. You have a black thumb? Easy to grow plants.
           3. Pest free plants
           4. Plant spacing, transplanting and seeding.
           5. Weeding made easy - a no weed garden
           6. Composting 101 - turn garbage into gold, or at least big tomatoes.
           Common pests and chemical free ways to control them.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Friends of the Peru Public Library Membership Kick-Off!

The Friends of the Library (FOL) have been inactive for the last couple of years. We now have new people taking it over. They have a lot of things they plan on doing. We're excited!
There are many benefits to becoming a FOL. One of course, is having early access to the book sales, but more than that.
     First you can purchase an individual  membership for $12.50, you'll receive a T-shirt. Or you can purchase a Family Membership, 2 adults and 1 child, for $30.00, you'll also receive 1 T-shirt.

     They have opportunities for business to support the FOL as well.
    They'll be having their FOL kickoff March 3 - 7, from 11:30 to 1:00 and from 4:30 to 6:30 Monday thru Thursday, Friday will be until 5:30.

     There are many benefits to becoming a FOL. When you become a member of Friends of the Peru Public Library you will be able to come to the books sales early. Also, when volunteering to help with an event, if there is a cost, you'll get in free. You'll be able to come to the monthly meetings and share your ideas. Have a satisfaction of knowing you're helping a very important part of the community.

1.  Enjoy a library that is better because of our volunteering and fundraising efforts.

2.   Improve the community culture as a result of a great library.

3.   Enjoy the pride that comes from  knowing that you are helping to spread the joy of reading.     

4.   Opportunity to meet new people

5.   The opportunity to participate in the various programs that you volunteer to help with for free, if there is   a  charge

The Peru Public Library provides many events, programs, and services to this community. They do a wonderful job, but there is a great cost to provide them. Most of the programs and events they provide are free to the public.

The FOL of the library are planning on having several fundraisers to help with the costs of these programs, and to help put on a new roof.

Please become a member and support YOUR library.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Library Olympics

The Winter Olympics have inspired us to have our own Library Olympics. 
On Tuesday, April 1st, from 6:00 to 8:00 PM, we'll have four teams pitting their skills against one another. 
Our events will be: Javelin Throw, (relax mom, we use pool noodles), Shot put, (soft spikey balls), golf, bean bag toss, hurdles, belly crawl and a few other things. 

We have to limit this to only 40 students. Although you can sign up now, we advise that you mark it on your calendars so you don't forget. If, after you sign-up, you find you can't make it, please call and cancel. 
If you sign-up online, (click on the correct date), they will send you an email reminder.

This event is for students K - 6th grade. 
This event is free.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Another reason we need to renovate

Another reason we need renovation. The area between the main library and what used to be the museum, but is now the reference room / computer lab is a flat roof. Because of all the snow, the freezing and thawing, we have leaks. We currently have 14 containers collecting water on the main floor. This could cause electrical problems as well as it's ruining the carpet. Take a close look, see the darkness on the floor? That is water. This is only one picture, as I said, we have 14 containers and have already had to empty a few of them. We need renovation.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Why we need a renovation, Part 3

     The OCRA meeting will be held this Monday, February 10th at 6:30 in the auditorium of the Peru Public Library. We need you there.
     The heating system that we have currently, is a boiler. When it produces the steam that goes through the pipes onto the different floors; sometimes the radiators leak. Because of this, the carpets and flooring has been water damaged. There is also, quite often, an antifreeze smell. We've had a lot of complaints from our patrons about the smell. The staff has to endure it for their shifts, and we usually go home with headaches.
     As I mentioned on an earlier post, the heating is inadequate, some floors are hot, while others are chilly. And the noise created by the steam going through the pipes can be so loud, it's like someone is banging a sledge hammer against the pipes. When we get the renovation done, we'll have a different heating system. The noise, smell and uneven heating will be gone.
     There are times when the air on the different floors, especially in the computer lab is, well, wiffy. Between the smell of the radiator heat, the various perfumes, after shave lotions, body odors (people come in from work a little sweaty), cigarette smoke on people's clothes, and the exhaust that comes in from the parking lot, it can be rather pungent at times.
     We have no way of having fresh air brought into the building. It is unhealthy for the staff and is unacceptable under current building codes.
     We have old window style A/C units scattered around the building. If you've ever visited on a really hot day, you know they don't provide the comfort that is needed. During the Summer READing programs, we have a lot of people emitting body heat, trust me, the A/C isn't adequate.
     Our roof is old and with problems. There is a large gap between the separate buildings that make up the library.
     The wiring needs to be updated. It cannot carry the load of computers, and general usage. We have to be careful of what and where things are plugged in. The wiring is really old.
     The overall appearance of the library is generally unattractive, uncomfortable and uninviting place to visit and work.
     We want to provide better equipped meeting rooms, comfortable place to sit and read, study, or use the computers.
     This building is more than 100 years old. There have been very few improvements on it.  We are overdue on those improvement.
     We want a healthier environment for our staff and patrons.
     We need you to show up for the meeting that will be held in the library's auditorium. The more people that show up will help to convince the need and support of our patrons and community.
     There are many organizations that are wanting this same grant, we need your presence in order to get it.
     Please show your support for your library by coming to this very important meeting. Bring your spouse, children, neighbor, and friends.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Why we need renovation, Part 2

     The Peru Public Library is approximately 1/3 smaller than most libraries. The library doesn't flow, instead we have five different levels. If you go to the parking lot and look up, you'll notice that where the original library roof stops, and the auditorium begins, there is a big open space. Those walls need to be removed so that the floor will continue without interruption into what is now the auditorium.

 When this particular renovation is done, there won't be as much wasted space. The wall between what is currently where the computer lab is, and what is now the Main Floor will be removed. The computer lab's floor will be raised to be level with the current Main Floor. Also, there are two smaller rooms, one on each side of the Main Floor, that causes a lot of wasted space. The whole floor needs to be opened up.
It will make that floor brighter, more airy, and give us much needed space. We'll also have restrooms that will have baby changing tables in both, and will be handicap accessible.

We will gain so much room, just by knocking out a few walls and opening up the whole area.
Also, when they renovate that floor, it will become much warmer in the winter, and cooler in the summer. The library is more than 110 years old. There is not adequate insulation, so maintaining a constant temperature isn't possible.

The windows are weathered and battered. Air is allowed to penetrate into the library, adding to the problem of constant temperature. When the wind is blowing hard, there is an awful sound made by the windows. The only way to alleviate the problem is to open the window slightly, which of course, lets in more cold air.

No one wants to be in a building that is either too hot, or too cold. Unfortunately, what is currently the children's floor, is one of the hardest to keep warm. The children and the senior citizens, need to be kept comfortable.

Please attend the meeting on Monday, February 10th at 6:30 PM. Show your support by attending the meeting. The more people that show up, lets those that choose the recipients know we are supported by our patrons. We can't get this grant without your help.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Why we need renovaton, Part 1

     The Peru Public Library is a community minded organization. We provide many services, and want to continue to do so, but better.
     In the past, we have had a variety of programs for a variety of age groups. Know you, know your horse, Master gardening - teaching us about the best usage of garden space, composting and more, Studio Indiana - showing pictures he's taken all across Indiana, of our forgotten histories.
    Children's programs: The Summer READing programs that help to encourage children to read, earn free books and more, The live programming on Wednesdays. Special events and programs for the children: Spy Academy, Fancy Nancy, Dr. Seuss' birthday party, Cat in the hat party, Christmas and Halloween parties and much more.
     We also have rooms that people use for a variety of business meetings, classes, SCA meetings, scouting and more.
    These events and programs could be so much better with renovation. Why?
    Let me start with the auditorium.
    1. The lighting in the auditorium is inadequate. There isn't enough lighting, what we have, have those thick globes on them, not allowing the light to shine through as they should.
    2. Access: A person needs to climb a minimum of three flights of stairs to get to the children's floor where the auditorium is located. That is, if they come through the front door. Yes, we have an elevator. If you haven't used it, let me describe it to you. It measure, approximately 34" x 49". It doesn't hold very many people at one time.
     If you're a parent with a few young children, and you need/want to take your stroller up with you. Well, depending on the size of the stroller, and the number / size of the people riding the elevator, You'll probably have to leave it in the computer lab.
     If you have a wheelchair, it better not be very wide. You then need to use something to reach up and push the button, we provide one, it's a dowel rod with a rubber tip on one end.
    To get inside, you must open a door, slide back a gate before entering. Once inside, the door shuts on it's own, you'll slide the gate closed. If you're going all the way up to the auditorium, you'll push button 3. Actually, you'll need to hold it during the whole ride, if you let it go, it will stop. Wait while it takes you all the way up, creaking and groaning the whole time. It will stop on it's own. Slide the gate open, push open the heavy door and you're there.
     Our elevator greatly resembles a freight elevator, but much smaller.
     If you happen to lean against either of the two gates, (if you're riding with a stroller, or antsy children, it's easy to do,) the elevator will stop. It's a safety feature, but really inconvenient. We've actually had people stuck on the elevator. We have to yell at them from two or three floors below them instructing them to open the gate and make sure it closes all the way. Hmmm. Okay, try the other gate. A few times they've even had to jump up and down a little to dislodge what the problem was. I am NOT making this up.
    The elevator is not dangerous, it gets inspected regularly, but it is small, slow and scary.
    Don't believe me? Please come and try it out for yourself.

    Now, I know you've read in the paper that we're suppose to be getting a large grant part of the money is to go toward getting a nice, large, normal elevator. That money is contingent on us getting the rest of the money. We need this grant in order to get that grant.
    Please come and support YOUR library.