Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Friends of the Peru Public Library Membership Kick-Off!

The Friends of the Library (FOL) have been inactive for the last couple of years. We now have new people taking it over. They have a lot of things they plan on doing. We're excited!
There are many benefits to becoming a FOL. One of course, is having early access to the book sales, but more than that.
     First you can purchase an individual  membership for $12.50, you'll receive a T-shirt. Or you can purchase a Family Membership, 2 adults and 1 child, for $30.00, you'll also receive 1 T-shirt.

     They have opportunities for business to support the FOL as well.
    They'll be having their FOL kickoff March 3 - 7, from 11:30 to 1:00 and from 4:30 to 6:30 Monday thru Thursday, Friday will be until 5:30.

     There are many benefits to becoming a FOL. When you become a member of Friends of the Peru Public Library you will be able to come to the books sales early. Also, when volunteering to help with an event, if there is a cost, you'll get in free. You'll be able to come to the monthly meetings and share your ideas. Have a satisfaction of knowing you're helping a very important part of the community.

1.  Enjoy a library that is better because of our volunteering and fundraising efforts.

2.   Improve the community culture as a result of a great library.

3.   Enjoy the pride that comes from  knowing that you are helping to spread the joy of reading.     

4.   Opportunity to meet new people

5.   The opportunity to participate in the various programs that you volunteer to help with for free, if there is   a  charge

The Peru Public Library provides many events, programs, and services to this community. They do a wonderful job, but there is a great cost to provide them. Most of the programs and events they provide are free to the public.

The FOL of the library are planning on having several fundraisers to help with the costs of these programs, and to help put on a new roof.

Please become a member and support YOUR library.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Library Olympics

The Winter Olympics have inspired us to have our own Library Olympics. 
On Tuesday, April 1st, from 6:00 to 8:00 PM, we'll have four teams pitting their skills against one another. 
Our events will be: Javelin Throw, (relax mom, we use pool noodles), Shot put, (soft spikey balls), golf, bean bag toss, hurdles, belly crawl and a few other things. 

We have to limit this to only 40 students. Although you can sign up now, we advise that you mark it on your calendars so you don't forget. If, after you sign-up, you find you can't make it, please call and cancel. 
If you sign-up online, (click on the correct date), they will send you an email reminder.

This event is for students K - 6th grade. 
This event is free.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Another reason we need to renovate

Another reason we need renovation. The area between the main library and what used to be the museum, but is now the reference room / computer lab is a flat roof. Because of all the snow, the freezing and thawing, we have leaks. We currently have 14 containers collecting water on the main floor. This could cause electrical problems as well as it's ruining the carpet. Take a close look, see the darkness on the floor? That is water. This is only one picture, as I said, we have 14 containers and have already had to empty a few of them. We need renovation.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Why we need a renovation, Part 3

     The OCRA meeting will be held this Monday, February 10th at 6:30 in the auditorium of the Peru Public Library. We need you there.
     The heating system that we have currently, is a boiler. When it produces the steam that goes through the pipes onto the different floors; sometimes the radiators leak. Because of this, the carpets and flooring has been water damaged. There is also, quite often, an antifreeze smell. We've had a lot of complaints from our patrons about the smell. The staff has to endure it for their shifts, and we usually go home with headaches.
     As I mentioned on an earlier post, the heating is inadequate, some floors are hot, while others are chilly. And the noise created by the steam going through the pipes can be so loud, it's like someone is banging a sledge hammer against the pipes. When we get the renovation done, we'll have a different heating system. The noise, smell and uneven heating will be gone.
     There are times when the air on the different floors, especially in the computer lab is, well, wiffy. Between the smell of the radiator heat, the various perfumes, after shave lotions, body odors (people come in from work a little sweaty), cigarette smoke on people's clothes, and the exhaust that comes in from the parking lot, it can be rather pungent at times.
     We have no way of having fresh air brought into the building. It is unhealthy for the staff and is unacceptable under current building codes.
     We have old window style A/C units scattered around the building. If you've ever visited on a really hot day, you know they don't provide the comfort that is needed. During the Summer READing programs, we have a lot of people emitting body heat, trust me, the A/C isn't adequate.
     Our roof is old and with problems. There is a large gap between the separate buildings that make up the library.
     The wiring needs to be updated. It cannot carry the load of computers, and general usage. We have to be careful of what and where things are plugged in. The wiring is really old.
     The overall appearance of the library is generally unattractive, uncomfortable and uninviting place to visit and work.
     We want to provide better equipped meeting rooms, comfortable place to sit and read, study, or use the computers.
     This building is more than 100 years old. There have been very few improvements on it.  We are overdue on those improvement.
     We want a healthier environment for our staff and patrons.
     We need you to show up for the meeting that will be held in the library's auditorium. The more people that show up will help to convince the need and support of our patrons and community.
     There are many organizations that are wanting this same grant, we need your presence in order to get it.
     Please show your support for your library by coming to this very important meeting. Bring your spouse, children, neighbor, and friends.