Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Evergreen, what you can do with the card

What can you do with this green card? I'm glad you asked.
It's almost like a Genie's magic lamp, so much 'treasure' can be found with this card.

You have access to hardback / paperback books, both fiction and non-fiction. Magazines, audio books (both cassette and CD). Not only can you borrow physical items, but download eBooks, eMagazines, eAudio books and stream movies.
Another great things is, it's not just for adults, you can borrow books for toddlers, juvenile, young adult as well as adult. That includes physical items as well as electronic resources. They even have narrated ebooks, (that's like listening library, the child has the book in front of them, but someone else is reading it to them.)

First of all, we are connected to 106 other Evergreen libraries. Because of that, you can get online at and browse the catalog, find a book, magazine, or audio book you want and place a hold on it. Which ever library has an available copy first will send it to us. What that means for you is, instead of having to wait three or four weeks to borrow from another library like you did with ILL (InterLibrary loan), many times you'll get it within two to four days.

Not every library has the same collection, for one, none of them have the room to put them. With Evergreen, the selection is larger. There are some authors that we are the only library so far that has them, and that's the way it is with each library.

Through Evergreen's 107 libraries, during the 2014 year, 374,208  total items have circulated.
And of those, 63,210 were juvenile circulations. The opportunities to read / listen to so many authors is fabulous! There is so much out there for you to explore, and it all starts with YOUR library.

Do you like to listen to books? Some listen while commuting to and from work, or on a trip. Some while doing yard work, or housework. Some have trouble with their eyesight, so audio is the way to go. Whatever the reason, you have access to many audio books with Evergreen. You can borrow the physical audio book, CD or Cassette, or go to the website and click on the icon eIndiana Digital Consortium. You can download audio books to your Kindle, iPad, Nook, computer, or your mp3 player. You choose if you want to borrow for 7, 14, or 21 days. Finish it and return it via wireless. Or, when your loan period is up, it will be returned automatically. No late fees!!

Most people still prefer to have a physical book in their hands, but for some, an ebook is great.
Using the same method as above, you have thousands of titles to choose from.
eBooks, can be downloaded to your Kindle, iPad, Nook, phone, cpu, or several other devices.

Maybe you're interested in magazines? There are several to choose from, unfortunately, they seem to be for Nooks only at this time. However, you can download a Nook app for your Kindle, iPad, etc and still borrow them. Same principle as above.

There are several movies that can be streamed as well. In some cases you can download the movie, but usually, you just stream it. What that means is, you need to have internet access, either connected or wireless. You watch the movie while connected the whole time. Movies take up too much space to actually download it to your device.

If you need assistance, just ask.

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